"the tense domestic political environment following last july's failed coup has persisted for longer than expected, a situation that the referendum on april 16 to centralize executive powers within the presidency is unlikely to alter given the large divide between the ruling justice and development (ak) party and the opposition over the proposed constitutional changes. the actions taken to reduce various forms of opposition to the government since july last year have undermined the country's administrative capacity and damaged private sector confidence."
çevirisi için:
ohal'i çok uzattınız. diktatörlüğe gidiyorsunuz. muhalefete karşı aşırı baskı var. özel sektörün güveni yerle bir oldu.
daha ne desin adamlar. bunları biz desek gg.
edit: kaynak
om mani anakin hum1 profili
17 mart 2017 moody's türkiye kredi notu açıklaması